

主要希望简单过一遍 Ray Tracing in One Weekend 和后续系列(optional),另外还有著名的 smallpt: Global Illumination in 99 lines of C++

至于优化部分主要是「汇编与接口」课程的项目,因此以 SIMD 为主(项目 12 月底截止)


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本文为 xlab 学习笔记,打算包含光线追踪与光栅化的差异、Whitted 风格光线追踪(Witted!)、BVH 加速等,如果有可能还想了解一下实时光线追踪的硬件加速(RTX!)以及路径追踪。



为什么选择光线追踪呢?一方面 RTX 使得其确实在这几年比较火,另一方面在今年 CPC 决赛题目就是优化 Blender Cycles 的渲染,其实就是光线(路径)追踪,虽然我们最近一直都在做降噪(denoise)。另外「汇编与接口」下一次 SIMD 实验我也打算优化朴素的光线追踪实现。

P.S. CPC 无了,我们到最后还是没优化光追,降噪也一言难尽

可能需要读者有一定的图形学基础。如果没有可以简单学一学 GAMES101,非常推荐。至少可以过一下课件,如果有时间可以看 B 站课程视频。

本文基本上就是根据 GAMES101 光线追踪(基本原理、加速结构)的逻辑写的,后面的两讲就是路径追踪的高级内容,比较困难,不一定会写。大部分图片来自 GAMES101 课件,否则会标明来源。

对于来自 xlab 的读者:本文将会不断更新,最终会放到 wiki 上的,现在暂时先放链接。


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在 ICS 助教结束回家前一天晚上,我刷 YouTube 看到了一首动画 MV「Running with the Wolves」。之后才发现是动画电影《狼行者》(Wolfwalkers)的插曲,而「狼行者」和冰火中的狼灵很类似,我非常感兴趣,最后就找来电影观看,还看了两遍。我感到相见恨晚,而且它去年暑假还在国内上映了,当然在其他地方 2020 年就上映了。

《狼行者》整体上就是童话故事,对于各种设定不必过于较真,毕竟这不是《迷雾之子》,而是适合全家看的动画嘛。而结局也是童话式的 happily ever after,可以说没有从根本上解决人与自然的矛盾,而只是展示了一次冲突(在魔法帮助下)的化解。电影设定在 1650 年的爱尔兰,画面和音乐风格优美,大概很好反映了时代。


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git log

查看单行带分支伪图形:git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all,建议设为 alias(

--author 匹配作者,--grep 匹配 commit message。

-p 显示托管平台级别的 commit,也就是所有的 diff。

可以指定范围 <from>..<to>,起始点可以是 commit ID 或分支。

--after/--before= 指定实际时间,支持相对时间。

~n 指定前第 n 次提交,例如 HEAD~3,不过含有 merge commit 似乎行为比较奇怪。如下图


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The pureblood is rather more. We are the dire wolves, the nightmares who haunt your racial memories, the dark shapes circling endlessly beyond the light of your fires.

George R.R. MartinThe Skin Trade




好久没更新博客了,都快一年了。当然我没闲着,现在主要在 TG 频道 Paleshell’s Cornfield 上发表短消息,欢迎关注!


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本文为数逻课程设计报告,可以阅读$\LaTeX$ 排版的 PDF



小恐龙游戏是 Google Chrome 浏览器内置的一个小游戏,在计算机离线的时候,按下空格键即可激活小恐龙游戏,以此来消磨无聊的离线时间。如下图所示,图片来自网络,因为我并不使用 Chrome 浏览器。游戏中的小恐龙是一只孤独的霸王龙(T-Rex)。用户还可以通过地址栏输入chrome://dino来调出小恐龙游戏。该游戏是 Google 在 2014 年开发的,由于 Chrome 系列浏览器的流行,小恐龙游戏也广为人知。据 2018 年的调查,该游戏每月被玩 2.7 亿次。

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近期研究表明,在机器学习领域,神经网络(Neural Network, NN)相比其他传统算法具有很大的优越性。例如,在 2012 年,卷积神经网络(CNN)的应用将 ImageNet 数据集上的图像分类准确率前五名,从 73.8% 提升到了 84.7%。其出色的特征提取能力,进一步提高了目标检测能力。而循环神经网络(RNN)则在语音识别领域取得了最高的正确率。[@guo2018survey]

网络模型名称 AlexNet VGG19 ResNet152 MobileNet ShuffleNet
年份 2012 2014 2016 2017 2017
参数数量 60M 144M 57M 4.2M 2.36M
运算数量 1.4G 39G 22.6G 1.1G 0.27G
最高准确率 61.0% 74.5% 79.3% 70.6% 67.6%

: 先进的神经网络模型比较

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This article is a part of College English Band 4 homework. Reference only. Please do NOT copy.

Bill Gates: A Biography was written in 2014 by Michael B. Becraft, who was the Professor of Finance and Director in Business at Park University. Dr. Michael Becraft initially learned to program at a very young age, using a version of BASIC created by Microsoft. Consequently, he had great interest in Microsoft and Bill Gates. This book paints a vivid picture of Bill Gates that covers his early life and his years as an inquisitive and adventurous student to his experiences as a budding entrepreneur and billionaire philanthropist. Apart from technical details, the book also explores the ethical, financial, legal, management and leadership applications inherent in Gates’s work, and supplies a balanced and unbiased account of Bill Gates along with criticisms.

The book caught my eyes among the recommended books due to various reasons. First and foremost, majoring in computer science, I’m greatly intrigued by computer history, particularly the personal computer revolution, which took place with the efforts of Bill Gates and many others. The book delves deep into these changes, providing a magnificent historical perspective. Second, many people, including me, are undoubtedly curious about how Gates’s talent and foresight help shape the Microsoft Empire. Besides, for those who aspire to become people like Gates, the book is a must read.

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This article is a part of College English Band 4 homework. Reference only. Please do NOT copy.

In the movie Dead Poets Society, the character who impresses me most is Mr. Keating. He creatively broadened students’ horizons in poetry and life, and inspired their independence.

Initially, he was a creative and unusual teacher. On his first lesson, he unexpectedly invited all students out to the hallway, and asked them to learn and hear from the senior. However, what the students heard was his whispers, stressing the importance of seizing their time. This left a special, if spooky, impression on them.

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